Sunday, July 27, 2008

Is your MP a climate-change denier?

I'm a hopeless optimist. I can't quite believe what I've just read.

The Local Government Association's First magazine this week runs a story with a positive headline: 'Key green role for councils - MPs' based on a survey of the honourable members of Britain's lower house. But read on to the third paragraph: of the 168 MPs surveyed 11% rejected the claim that climate change is occurring. I'm not sure whether that statistic is the most depressing or whether it's that a further 8% of our esteemed legislators ticked the box which said 'I don't know.'

By my reckoning, that survey suggests about 70 MPs are climate-change deniers. And another 50 are even more stupid than that. But the question is: who can list them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a poll in the Grauniad. Tories are the worst, surprise surprise.